US DVD release
Season 1 on DVD
30th November 2002

Top Ten Fan Squabbles
Contributed by Gab and Sapph(again!)
10. Did Gabby and Perdy-boy do the deed in Return of Callisto????
9. Was the show about Xena's path to redemption, or Gab's growth into a great warrior and bard?
8. Season 5 was pants. Or was it?????
7.Chakram to the head: necessary to save Eve's life from a possessed sidekick or Xena being a tad excessive?
6. Long-haired Gabby or Short-haired Gabby?
5. Season 3's The Rift - who's fault was it then?
4. Joxer!!!
3. Rob Tapert - inspirational genius who gave us the best show ever seen on TV, or evil spawn of the devil who ripped our dreams apart?
2. The ending of the show - was A Friend in Need great TV or a betrayal of 6 years of emotional investment in XENA: WARRIOR PRINCESS?
1. Subbers v. Shippers. (That's Xena/Gabrielle fans vs Xena/Ares fans.) A great area of debate, even though those Ares/Xena 'shippers have it SO wrong!!!

S5 DVD pt 1
S4 vol1 / vol2
S3 vol1 / vol2
S6 vol1 / S6 vol2

14th December 2002 - New Renee Pic
Apparently up on eBay, there's a new publicity photo of Renee O'Connor doing the rounds. Quite a nice shot...guess she's sticking with the dark-haired look for a while!
Karl(Julius Caear) Urban is all over the media right now with his role in the new Lord of the Rings movie, The Two Towers. However, most press totally ignores his roles on XENA!! The cheek!

10th December 2002 - News Updates
The photos from this years Creation XENA Calendar are available to see online at the Creation web site. I think these are from the photo calendar. There is also a photo montage one.
Channel 5 are showing XENA reruns on Saturday mornings again. Season 4 right now. They also have episodes of Cleopatra 2525 on Saturday afternoons which I don't think have been on before. You early birds can also catch XENA repeats on Sky One at about 5am each day!

7th December 2002 - Look Out New Zealand - Lucy Sings!
Lucy Lawless seems to be trying her hand at pretty much everything these days. After a theatre stint in The Vagina Monologues, she is now off on tour for a couple of weeks of New Zealands holiday spots, SINGING! Her partner is New Zealand singer-songwriter Dave Dobbyn (never heard of him myself but a quick web search shows he is a real musician!). Go to the article at STUFF and read about Lucy's views on singing.
Interestingly in the article, she also mentions possibly signing up for a one hour US drama show. Hmmm...wonder which one?? Get ready for the new poll on that very subject 

2nd December 2002 - Xenaverse News
Spotted this over at MaryDs site, there is a new XENA book out soon: Xena Warrior Princess: Complete Illustrated Companion by respected SciFi/Fantasy journalist K. Stoddard Hayes. Amazon.co.uk has it for pre-order, but oddly its not on Amazon.com yet.
Pre-order NOW at Amazon.co.uk for £11.99
The Amazon blurb says...
Xena: Warrior Princess: The Complete Companion is the only comprehensive, fully-authorised guide to all six series of the groundbreaking action-adventure show, and contains a complete episode guide, plus character and behind-the-scenes information, and details of Xena fandom, all illustrated with over 150 photos. Also includes an 8-page colour section.
UK fans, something to look out for.If you have Sky Digital, there is a celebrity profile on Lucy Lawless on Thursday 5th at 7pm on the new E! channel 250

24th November 2002 - UK Fest News
Sorry, a bit slow to get the news of this out, but the next UK Midlands Xenafest will be taking place on 1st February 2003. Most UK Xena events have wound up now, but I know people still want a chance to meet up with Xena pals. So, mark it in your diary UKers and check out the Fest Page with details of how to book.
If you see the new James Bond film, look out for a familiar face. XENA actor Laurence Makoare you might remember as the lead barbarian in The Quill is Mightier and also Fins, Femmes and Gems plays the baddie's henchman, Mr Kil! Good to see Will Yun Lee from Witchblade in there too!

24th November 2002 - Trading Cards...Soon!
Coming Soon, well, December, are the next set of trading cards from Rittenhouse. Called Beauty and Brawn, there are lots of special ones, including the gold dust like dual autograph card signed by Lucy and Renee. Wonder what THOSE will go for on Ebay?? More closer to release date. For now, check out the web page at SciFi Hobby
14th November - XENA Writer Dies..
Sad news today as the death was announced of Hilary J Bader, writer of Been There Done That, The Quill is Mightier, Forget Me Not and Locked Up and Tied Down. She was just 50 years old. Hilary also wrote for "Star Trek: The Next Generation" and won an Emmy for the animated "Batman Beyond" series.
UK News - Early bird fans might try to catch XENA back on UK tv screens! Yes, its back on Sky One....at 5.10am!! Repeats of S3 and S4 coming up on Mondays to Fridays. Less welcome news, the final UK DVD release, Season 5 part 2 has been delayed until April 2003. With XENA selling well, its not clear why Universal Playback have decided to hold back this last set. 
6th November - Xenaverse News
A few bits of news today on ticketing for Pasadena and UK DVDs. Creation are now selling the preferred seating for the convention, both the full weekend package($325) and also the single days tickets($61 for each day and Friday evening, $71 for the Saturday evening featuring Lucy and Renee.) They are still not making it any clearer if and when Lucy will appear onstage for a question and answer session.
Go the the Creation web page for more details
Meanwhile, in UK DVD news, the final XENA DVD release, season 5 volume 2 has been delayed until April 2003! Universal Playback were due to finish up the XENA releases in December, making the whole series available on DVD. According the the Universal Playback site, The XENA DVDs took four of the top five best sellers, so it can't be poor sales. Maybe they want to make it last?? Season 5 part 1 is out right now, so if you haven't got yours yet, get ordering here!
UK TV Alerts - Saturday Channel 5, 5.25pm - Hercules and the Amazon Women. Guest star Lucy Lawless.
BBC2 Sunday 11pm - The X Files. "Nothing Important Happened Today part 2" guest starring Lucy Lawless.

UK TV Alert - Sunday BBC2 11.00pm. "The X Files" - Lucy Lawless' guest appearance in the episode Nothing Important Happened Today I. Don't be late...her best scene in this ep is right at the start. Sorry for the late alert.

31st October - Lucy and Renee at Pasadena 2003 Convention
For those of you attending the Annual Creation XENA Convention,(you lucky people) both Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor will be attending. Taking place on 7-9th February, at the Pasadena Center, Lucy and Renee will also be doing some sort of evening entertainment together. No news yet on what onstage Q&A appearances they will be doing.
A great sounding guest line up includes HUDSON LEICK (Callisto),
ADRIENNE WILKINSON (Eve) and MUSETTA VANDER (Ilainus). (Where are all the guys??)
Read more at the Creation Site

25th October - XENA actors Update
I went to see "xXx" with Vin Diesel today, also so-starring Marton Csokas - Borias himself! Marton gets to do the exact same accent as on Xena, and once again is a bad guy. Although I think Borias has much more depth than Yorgi - Marton's character. (I wasn't that impressed with the film.)
There is an online interview clip - yes, finally hear Marton's Kiwi accent -but it's a very dull interview. Also, look out for more of Marton in the director's cut Lord of the Rings DVD.
Paris Jefferson is just ending a run on stage in York, England in Frankie and Johnny, and I just found a rather nice online interview and picture of her, which includes a brief XENA mention. Read in here
Ted Raimi fans might like to know he has a guest role in the new show Odyssey 5. It's on Sky TV here in the UK, but I haven't seen it. Ted is in episode 13.

20th October - No news, but just to say hi to everyone. A new poll today, and if you're looking for Xena chat, why not come and join in at the Xenaville Message Board.

Kevin Smith 1963-2002 |