[XENAVILLE lite edition]
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Dear Lila..

UK DVD Release
Season 5 part 2
3rd Feb 2003
Annual XENA Convention
Pasadena, CA
7-9th February, 2003
Renee O'Connor's Birthday
15th February
Anniversary of
Kevin Smith's death
16th February 2002

Top Ten Fan Squabbles
Contributed by Gab and Sapph(again!)
10. Did Gabby and Perdy-boy do the deed in Return of Callisto????
9. Was the show about Xena's path to redemption, or Gab's growth into a great warrior and bard?
8. Season 5 was pants. Or was it?????
7.Chakram to the head: necessary to save Eve's life from a possessed sidekick or Xena being a tad excessive?
6. Long-haired Gabby or Short-haired Gabby?
5. Season 3's The Rift - who's fault was it then?
4. Joxer!!!
3. Rob Tapert - inspirational genius who gave us the best show ever seen on TV, or evil spawn of the devil who ripped our dreams apart?
2. The ending of the show - was A Friend in Need great TV or a betrayal of 6 years of emotional investment in XENA: WARRIOR PRINCESS?
1. Subbers v. Shippers. (That's Xena/Gabrielle fans vs Xena/Ares fans.) A great area of debate, even though those Ares/Xena 'shippers have it SO wrong!!!

3rd February 2003 - Xenaverse News
First of all, many thanks to everyone who came along to the 10th Midlands Xenafest on Saturday. It was a wonderful day, with everyone enjoying the opportunity to see their Xena pals. People were amazingly generous - we were supporting a local Leicester-based charity for the terminally ill, and raised the magnificent total of £2462!!. Many thanks to all attendees, Ann, Julian and Angela.
Interesting news for US DVD fans. The excellent Anchor Bay company have annouced the release of XENA and HERCULES on DVD in April and June 2003 respictively. There is nothing further about whether these will be all new releases with the legendary Anchor Bay extras or just selling on the Davis-Panzer DVDs sets available by mail order only. However, to have the series available from REAL shops (and from Amazon.com) has to be a good thing.
Finally, my web hosting people have started charging me extra for the traffic XENAVILLE receives, hence the cut down, picture-less page recently. I am going to be redesigning the main page soon. Expect a leaner, meaner Xenaville!!

28th January 2003 - Pasadena Con Updates
The Creation Web site has more details about the big XENA convention coming up in a couple of weeks. Speculation over Lucy and Renee's actual participation continues, as their Saturday evening appearance DOES appear to be it for the weekend.
Anyway, a good guest line up, so anyone going will surely have a great time.
UK People - Don't forget, its the Leicester XENAFEST this weekend - THE social event of the season! It's not too late to come and join us - check out the details right here.

16th January 2003 - UK DVD News
The final UK region 2 DVD release has finally been announced - that's the second part of Season 5. And its not long to wait. The Universal Playback site still lists April, but its available from 3rd February 2003 according to Blackstar, and you can pre-order it
here to complete your XENA DVD collection!
For US DVD fans, the Official Hercules and Xena Store is listing series two on DVD, but I don't think its out yet.

16th January 2003 - Xenaverse News
Well that was fun! Lots and lots of chatter about the tantalising prospect of a XENA movie, but no other details on that rogue report, apart from a comment from Sharon Delaney at Creation that nothing was on the horizon right now.
On the bright side, it looks like the Xena Fan Club Kit #6 might be shipping soon. Also some information about the Lucy/Renee Coffee Talk chat.
"What we did in Coffee Talk 2 is to put the portions of the video that Lucy and Renee are looking at in a small box on the screen. So you'll be seeing what they're seeing at exactly the same time. When they giggle or poke each other, you'll know why When they sit mesmerized by the campfire scene in "Callisto," you'll be sitting right there with them. And when Xena gives a small laugh during that scene, you get to see Lucy's and Renee's reactions and hear them discuss it. I think folks are going to feel this was the best idea ever."
Oh and by the way, am I the *only* person in the world STILL waiting for their Creation 2003 calendars!! Hurry up please!

9th January 2003 - Gossip and Rumours??
Here's the sort of thing we wish and hope is true. The Dark Horizons web site, which covers movie gossip, is reporting that the much hoped for XENA movie might be on! There is no other confirmation of this yet, and the website they quote doesn't seem to have the story, but....
Xena: The Movie: The warrior princess herself Lucy Lawless was on nationwide radio station 91ZM in New Zealand yesterday according to TheFlikSpot where she apparently indicated a movie based on the Xena series is in the works, although its in early stages as yet. A decent budget (around $50-60 million) seems to be on the cards with the film to be treated like a blockbuster for Universal. She didn't apparently elaborate on a story or cast but did confirm a few of the regulars would return along with some new bigger names.

5th January 2003 - Lucy in the (Lesbian) News! UPDATED
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all! Hope you had a good holiday season.
The first Xena story of 2003 sees our hero, Lucy Lawless as the cover star of Lesbian News and talking about Xena and Gabrielle's relationship. Bearing in mind the title of the publication, you might be able to guess her opinion on the true nature of that relationship!
Visit the Lesbian News Site to read more
The ever wonderful MaryDs site has a scan of the full article now - definitely worth a read for Lucy's views and her talk of the possibility of a XENA movie someday!!
See the full article scanned here

26th December 2002 - Lucy Hits the Cabaret Circuit!
Lucy Lawless' singing tour with Kiwi singer/songwriter Dave Dobbyn is on the road, and the NZ Stuff website has a feature and this FAB Lucy photo! Lucy looks to be back in great shape, and can clearly swing a mean tambourine! Hmm...looks a bit chakram-like come to think of it!
Read the news story on stuff.co.nz here

14th December 2002 - New Renee Pic
Apparently up on eBay, there's a new publicity photo of Renee O'Connor doing the rounds. Quite a nice shot...guess she's sticking with the dark-haired look for a while!
Karl(Julius Caear) Urban is all over the media right now with his role in the new Lord of the Rings movie, The Two Towers. However, most press totally ignores his roles on XENA!! The cheek!
